9 Line Fly Fishing Launch and Roadmap

Posted by Kelly Weber on

Todays the day! The shop is live, and accepting orders! A big thank you to my friends and family that have supported my in this endeavor.

As of right now, items are drop shipped, meaning they are printed on demand. This is because I don't have space for warehousing right now. The advantage of this being there wasn't a large amount of capital required to bulk order products, but it slightly slows shipping times down. I am incredibly thankful for your patience in the age of 2 day shipping!

Now, for the vision. What's next? Once I have space for warehousing, I'm going to explore options for adding additional products and shipping in house. Working with bigger names in the industry will allow me to bring more quality products to anglers, all while supporting great charity organizations on the way. After all, what fishing brand doesn't have a UV shirt?? Hopefully in the future I can plan events. Fundraisers, mini tournaments, meet ups; who knows. But with the help of the community, we can make anything happen.

I am looking forward to getting feedback from the community, seeing pictures of merch in the wild, and helping our friends out.


Kelly Weber